Saturday, November 13, 2010

E-wallpaper Processing.

This Week, I have done my E-wallpaper with the theme of Sakura Matsuri
by using Adobe Photoshop CS5. I will show the steps that I working on it.
There are some technique and tools usage you can learn from here.

Step 1: Create a landscape A4 working space with 72 resolution.

Step 2: Open a chosen picture as background with the key (Ctrl+O).

Step 3: Drag the image by using Move Tool to the main file that we created just now and rename it Sakura Background.

Step 4: Adjust the color brightness of the background image. (+20 brightness)
Here we done our very first layer, Sakura Background.

    Step 5: Then open another selected image.

    Step 6: Use Layer Mask to remove the part that are not needed.

    Step 7: Here we done with our cropping by using Layer Mask.

    Step 8: Drag the cropped image with Move Tool to the main file just like previously.
    Then, arrange the Drummer Layer at the left hand side by using Free Transform (CTR+T).

    Step 9: Open up another selected image that wish to add into the main file later.

    Step 10:  Again, crop it by using Layer Mask. Is better to zoom in for more details.


    Step 11: Here we done our cropping and we shall rename it as Musician 1.

     Step 12: Crop another guy from the image and rename it as Musician 2.

    Step 13: Crop the guy out by using Layer Mask. Zoom in for more details.
    Here we done out third cropping by using Layer Mask.

     Step 14: This is what I get after dragging both image and arranged them by using Free Transform.

    Step 15: Open another image that I saved from Flickr.

    Step 16: This time, I cropping the image by using Quick Mask Mode. First, click the Quick Mask Mode button in the left bottom of the tool box. Adjust the brush size, recommended the smaller the better.

    Step 17: After selecting all the part that i want, hit the Quick Mask Mode button again to exit the mode. And this is what will happen.

    Step 18: Then, hit the Add a Pixel Mask button on the right side of the tool box.

    Step 19: This is what u get when u hit the Add a Pixel Mask. The unwanted part will disappeared. Zoom in to refine the edge by using Eraser Tool (E).

    Step 20: After refining the image, drag it to the main file by using the Move Tool.

    Step 21: Open up another image that planning to add in my E-wallpaper and rename it as Lady 2.

    Step 22: This is the 3rd method I shown to crop out image other than using Quick Mask Mode and Layer Mask. I will use Quick Selection Tool to crop out the image I want.

    Step 23:Select the part that I want by just clicking on it with Quick Selection Tool.

    Step 24: This is what happened after I finish selected. The image is now surrounded by a Marquee Shape.

     Step 25: Invert the selected part by pressing ( CRT+SHIFT+I ).

    Step 26: After inverted the selection part, hit the Delete button to remove the part that not needed.

    Step 27: Drag the image to the main file and arrange it by using Free Transform.

    Step 28: Open another selected image and rename it as Cherry Blossom Flower.

    Step 29: I will use Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) to crop out the flower that I needed. The reason why I use Polygonal Lasso Tool is because I wish to get a very sharp edge image.

    Step 30: Select the part that I not needed.

    Step 31: Hit the Delete button to remove the part that I not needed.

    Step 32: This is what I get after removing all the part that are not needed.

    Step 33: Then add a White Background behind it, and resize it by using Free Transform.
    The reason I add a White Background is because to allow me to see clearly of the Flower image.

    Step 34: Duplicate (Alt+ Drag) the Flower image and arrange it nicely by using Free Transform.

    Step 35: Then remove the White background.

    Step 36: Merge Visible all the layer before drag to the main file.

    Step 37: Drag the Cherry Blossom Flower image to the main file and arrange it nicely by using Free Transform.

    Step 38:  Then, add in Text. Customize it by using Blending Options to make it more interesting.
     Adding some Drop Shadow, Outer Glow, Color Overlay, Gradient Overlay, Bevel and Emboss.

    Step 39: I add in more image on the Left corner to fill up the space. Open another selected image.

     Step 40: Rename it as Origami. Then crop it by using Quick Selection Tool.

    Step 41: Drag it to the main file and arrange it at the Left corner by using Free Transform. Duplicate and adjust the opacity of the Origami image.

    We are Done.

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