After having our first meeting today, our group, TwoPointSix came out a primary idea of our calender design.
Animal Crossbreed.
Thats our primary idea!
This is our maiden try-out by using Adobe Photoshop CS5.We are going to combine an elephant with leopard skin and this is the final product.
First and most important is to find the proper source images. I chose these 2 because it is fun and interesting. Since I liked the high contrast color of the leopard, I decided to use the actual fur and "mold" it over the elepha nt's body.
So with that said, I extracted the leopard and pasted it into the elephant file on a new layer.
NOTE: It's a good idea to use a hi-r es image because whe n you're stretching pixels, a low resolution file is going to lose its realism.
Then, I'll add a background by using Adobe Illustrator CS5.
Step 1, copy the elephant by using Quick Select io n Tool (W ) in Adobe Photoshop CS5.After that, paste it on a horizontal A4 file in Adobe Illustr ator CS5. Then add a flower picture as the background.
wow, you are very good at design in photoshop. nice job.